Friday May 3rd, 2024
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UK Muslims in Religious War

A London-based neo-Nazi group are at loggerheads with a Muslim organisation, wishing to enforce Sharia law in the UK.

Staff Writer

UK Muslims in Religious War

London Muslim hardliners become embrawled in an ongoing turf war with Nazi extremists. The controversial Muslim Patrol group, which aims to enforce Shariah law in Britain, are at loggerheads with Britain First, a group of nationists fighting for a white Britain.

The resulting enslaught his lead to a backlash against ordinary Muslims in the multicultural city. The news come as part of London's Holy Turf War, a new documentary tackling the subject of the inner city religious war. Britain First ringleader Paul Golding, claims that his organisation is "doing the job the government refuse to do, which is clamp down on Muslim extremism." He led a convoy down Brick Lane in an armour-plated ex-British Army Land Rover, distributing anti-Islamic materials to pedestrians.

Many locals have been extremely critical of the group, which has been behind the harrassment of innocent Muslims following numerous mistaken identity cases.

Speaking about the twisted faction, Golding boasted: "I think that there’s an inevitability that Muslims will be the majority one day in Britain and some form of shariah is coming." However, the documentary also focuses on the rival Muslim Patrol group who have also been guilty of harrassing innocent pedestrians enjoying a night on the town. When speaking about the Muslims activities, which have seen members jailed, group-leader Anjem Choudary said: "Islam is not a religion of peace... It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah."
