Thursday January 23rd, 2025
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Amenhotep's Colourful Tomb Finally Found in Luxor

Brightly coloured and well-preserved, the tomb of the guard of the temple of Egyptian deity Amun has finally been unearthed.

Staff Writer

Amenhotep's Colourful Tomb Finally Found in Luxor

With every other week comes another incredible discovery unearthing further secrets into Egypt's ancient past. On Tuesday, Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities announced that the ancient tomb belonging to Amenhotep has been located in the southern city of Luxor.

According to Egyptian mythology, Amenhotep was believed to be the guard of the temple of Egyptian deity Amun. The ministry believes that temple dates back to the New Kingdom’s 18th Dynasty (1543-1292BC). “The tomb contains many stunning scenes with bright colors painted on plaster,” Antiquities Minister Mamdouh Eldamaty said in a statement. Describing the Hieroglyphics disovered the minister added that “many of scenes represent the tomb owner and his wife in front of an offering table and a view of a goddess nursing a royal child as well as scenes of the daily life.”

The discovery was made in Luxor by a team of American Archaeologists alongside Egyptian inspectors. Upon early inspection it appears that the tomb was deliberately damaged in ancient times as the ministry’s general director for Upper Egypt, Sultan Eid, explains “the name and titles of the tomb owner, some hieroglyphic texts and scenes in addition to the names of the god Amun were deliberately erased.”

Amazingly, that wasn’t the only discovery announced as the Ministry of Antiquities released in a separate statement that the royal rest house belonging to King Thutmosis II, which also dates to the 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom period, has been discovered in the Suez Canal province of Ismailia. 

(Photos courtesy of Ahram Online)
