BREAKING: Massive Explosion Felt Across Cairo
A huge explosion rocked downtow Cairo this morning, with reports emerging it was caused by a car bomb,

Photo Courtesy of @Mahmoud_eltonsy
At 6:28 AM this morning a large explosion hit Cairo as confirmed by Reuters news agency and many people on Twitter. The effect of the explosion spanned a vast area with people tweeting from as far as Garden City, Maadi, Giza, Haram st. and Downtown. The epicenter was behind Ramsis Hilton at the Italian Consulate. At least one person has been announced dead, and five injured according to health ministry. Police are reporting it was caused by a car bomb. More to follow.
VIDEO; Blast near Italian consulate in Cairo
— RT (@RT_com) July 11, 2015
HUGE explosion reported by residents in downtown, Haram street, and Ain Shams. All different places in Cairo! #Egypt
— Heba Farouk Mahfouz (@HebaFarooq) July 11, 2015
#BREAKING: A large explosion has just gone off in central Cairo. No information on casualties, damage, or injuries yet. More to come...
— Jon Haworth (@JonHaworthSky) July 11, 2015
Several Cairo tweeps are on about what sounded like a huge explosion. #Egypt
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) July 11, 2015
Explosion heard in multiple parts of #Cairo, possible blast downtown.
— Leila Fadel (@LeilaFadel) July 11, 2015
Just heard a massive explosion, windows shaken. Giza, next to Saudi embassy #Cairo #Egypt #bomb?
— Timmy Mowafi (@timmymowafi) July 11, 2015
I have just woke up on the sound of a huge explosion in Cairo !!!
— Zeinobia (@Zeinobia) July 11, 2015
Explosion in Downtown Cairo. Smoke rising from behind Maspero and the Ramses Hilton.
— Liam Stack (@liamstack) July 11, 2015
HUGE explosion downtown #Cairo destroys the Italian center & part of the Italian Consulate. Sound was heard from a very long distance #Egypt
— Heba Farouk Mahfouz (@HebaFarooq) July 11, 2015
Explosion in Downtown #Cairo. Smoke column behind Maspero and Ramses Hilton. @degner's photos of Italian center
— Osama Bin Javaid (@osamabinjavaid) July 11, 2015
@CairoScene Glass shattered everywhere in the downtown area.
— Raymond William (@Ray_William) July 11, 2015
"Thick smoke in the street around the site of the explosion"
— Liam Stack (@liamstack) July 11, 2015
Car bomb explosion near Italian consulate in Cairo, Egypt. No casualties reported, heavy damage occurs.
— Guru Natesan (@samratguru) July 11, 2015
الشرطة سابوا كل حاجة وماسكين في واحد أجنبي كان بيصور
— Omar Elhady (@O_Elhady) July 11, 2015
Cairo explosion wounds 2 policemen stationed outside the Italian consulate and 3 passers-by
— Joe Catron (@jncatron) July 11, 2015
At least 2 ppl were injured in the explosion outside the Italian consulate in downtown Cairo: SkyNews Coresp #Egypt
— Deena (@deenahsn) July 11, 2015
Early report from BBC News, citing AFP, says at least five have been injured in the Cairo blast
— Patrick deHahn (@patrickdehahn) July 11, 2015
there are pieces of a car scattered all over the places, some flew in the garden across the street.
— alessandro accorsi (@ali_burrasque) July 11, 2015
PHOTOS: Aftermath of the explosion at the Italian consulate in Cairo. Credit: Mahmoud Amir (Facebook)
— Grasswire (@grasswire) July 11, 2015
One dead in blast at Italy consulate in #Cairo: health ministry
— i24news_EN (@i24news_EN) July 11, 2015
Italian journalist detained by police in #Cairo:
— Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) July 11, 2015
الشعب المصري بيعاين مسرح الجريمة بخبرته الجنائية الواسعة
— خالد أديب (@KhaledAdeeb) July 11, 2015
Waking up to sad news of yet another terrorist attack in Cairo - this must stop!
— Charlotta Sparre (@CSparre) July 11, 2015
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