Thursday September 12th, 2024
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Cairo Metro Stations Will Provide Free Iftar to Commuters

The Ministry of Transport has started a campaign to help break the fast of 1,000 passengers daily in metro stations.

Cairo Scene

Cairo Metro Stations Will Provide Free Iftar to Commuters

Throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan, the Ministry of Transport and Egyptian Food Bank will provide free iftar meals to 1,000 people a day.

Dubbed ‘We Will Break Our Fast at the Station’, the campaign will focus on heavily trafficked stations such as El-Shohada, Attaba and Sadat Stations. A light meal consisting of biscuits, juice and a bottle of water will be handed out to commuters who are present at these stations while the Maghreb call to prayer begins.

The campaign aims to distribute 30,000 meals by the end of Ramadan.
