Club Mint: Freshening Up the Sahel Scene
Club Mint opens this weekend with the raddest lineup...
Do you remember the old days when Sahel was all about the beach and hanging out in cafés with friends? We don’t, and we have no room for such a sad place in our memory. The Sahel that we know now, and so dearly love, is all about the pool parties, the wickedest clubs in town, and all the crazy fun nights that we will forget, with the people that we will remember. Yeah, we just quoted Drake. The party literally doesn’t stop, and arriving fashionably late to the Sahel season, with a dramatic explosive entrance is Club Mint. Phresher than you. Now we're quoting Beyonce. We blame the music that lives in us.
And for that reason, we're excited that this weekend, which is Club Mint's opening weekend, is being kicked off with three nights banging with all kinds of – ongoing 'til you drop – entertainment. To kick off your weekend, IOS' Club Mint is bringing you resident DJs Albert and Scotty, along with DJ Ghonadkly and our beloved belly dancer Amie Sultan, to a night promising all kinds of surprises in a harmony of western and oriental tunes.
The next day, in a Music is the Answer Night, DJs Hesham and Adham Zahran are set to play back to back, with DJ Misty, and closing off the opening weekend are the resident DJs again, Scotty and Albert, for the Chaplin night.
Word on the street is that modernised Om Kalthoum and Abdelhalim music will blast from their speakers, and the new and modern will meet and bond with the old and golden, in different and unique vibes that are bound to have you partying your life way on the weekend.
Check out Club Mint on Facebook. For reservations, contact 01229444467 or 01229444468.