Wednesday February 12th, 2025
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Desperados Took Caché to Amsterdam and They Made a Whole Lot of Noise

A weekend in Amsterdam with KiNK, Caché, Desperados and a Frankenstein sound system is something you can tell your grandkids about.

Staff Writer

Desperados Took Caché to Amsterdam and They Made a Whole Lot of Noise

Desperados do not screw around when it comes to whipping up a party, and to properly bring the noise to their scene of choice, they got this melodic monstrosity; an amalgamation of all sorts of sound systems from around our little blue world the likes of Germany, France, the UK and god knows where else, contributing their gear to the one-of-a-kind experiment to drag the #SoundStage: W.T.F  (Watt The Frequency) into reality. Using a mix of both bog-standard and flat-out unorthodox materials like wood, barrels and even goddamn cars, the Desperados #SoundStage, commandeered by the lividly live techno mixes of Bulgaria’s own KiNK, sent waves of sonic bliss into the hearts and spirits of partygoers, mixing and matching all sorts of soundscapes on the fly, channeling that endearing #DIYPartySpirit. Soul-shaking beats, ice cold cervezas and an international mishmash of sound gear? What more can you ask for?

Bit of backstory for those of you uninspired; in February of this still fairly young and promising year, the funky folks over at Desperados held a contest of sorts; bringing two of Cairo’s loudest and proudest party organisers together to bring this city’s stagnant party scene to its knees, and injecting it with a full dose of the freshest beats and rowdiest raves this side of Nile. Out of the two masters of celebration, Caché managed to snag Desperado’s golden ticket to Amsterdam, where they had more than just a hand in bringing #DesperadosDIY's latest, loudest and unholiest DIY crowd pleaser to life; Desperados' #SoundStage: W.T.F.

As it just so happens, the musical minds behind our sister site, SceneNoise, did an in-depth Q&A sesh with KiNK himself all while the experiment took place in the background, so maybe keep your eyes and earballs peeled for when they put it up on the Intertubes soon enough, won’t you? Yes you will.
