Sunday March 16th, 2025
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Give Thanks... to Zitouni

The Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza's signature restaurant, Zitouni, is putting on the Thanksgiving feast of a lifetime.

Staff Writer

Give Thanks... to Zitouni

Thanksgiving. A day when all waistline worries are forgotten as we indulge in an array of delicious treats and foods. What could be better? Gravy boats filled to the brim, carrots sprinkled with rosemary, potatoes (mashed with some butternut squash), steamed brussel sprouts, green beans, roasted cauliflower with cheese, cranberry sauce or perhaps even fig and cranberry compote if you’re feeling especially luxurious, sweet potato pie, pecan pie… everything your heart desires. And the piece de resistance? A beautiful, golden, succulent Turkey of course...and don't forget the stuffing.

Now that your stomachs are rumbling and your mouths are watering it is time to celebrate and give thanks with a spectacular meal. Treat your family and your friends to a fantastic Thanksgiving lunch at the Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza's Zitouni. On Thursday November 27th from 12.30 to 17.30, a festive lunch buffet is being prepared especially for you by executive Chef Marco and his extremely talented team. With delicious food and a traditional turkey carving station there is no better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than at Zitouni.

Find out more about Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza here.


