Saturday September 14th, 2024
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Gu Bar's Asian Delicacies Are Now Available For Introverts!

Can't leave your couch? Ever? Gu Bar's mad delish Asian delicacies now deliver right to your doorstep with their newly launched express delivery menu!

Staff Writer

Gu Bar's Asian Delicacies Are Now Available For Introverts!

There is no place like home; the moments you spend alone in your one bedroom apartment, undisturbed by the smell of your feet and the Cheetos puffs stuck in your hair from the day before are everything. These are the moments you are going to look back at and think, ‘wow, this was some crazy shit,’ not the time you spent partying and boozing with creepy strangers! Partying is nice and all but staying home forever is the new cool!

Even Gu Bar has noticed this generational shift. Our reluctance to do life and adult up has inspired the nightery to bring their mouth-watering Asian delicacies to your doorstep. They just launched Gu Bar Express, their new delivery service with an express delivery menu that caters to Zamalek, Dokki, and Downtown, so we never have to socialise or step out ever again! So whenever you get the urge to party Gu Bar style, all you have to do is pick up the phone, place your order, jump up and down in anticipation until your food arrives then eat it, alone, in bed.It’s nothing personal, Gu Bar, we love your belly dancers and mean cocktails, and we've spent many a night partying it up at your Nileside spot, but our inner introverts are getting a hold of us and you know what they say; it’s the age of the nerd!

Find out more on Gu Bar's Facebook and Instagram
