KFC Shrimpo is Back!
Our favourite fast food love affair is back in all its fried goodness, and we're stoked.
Do you remember a couple of years back when Ahmed Ezz suddenly adorned one in three of the country's advertisement billboards - dressed as a camp pirate - as KFC announced that they'd be serving fried shrimp?
Do you remember when you curiously picked up the phone, your taste-buds interrogating your brain-box, hoping and wondering about what this strange new invention might feel like in your belly? Will it taste like chicken? Will you still need to pop a few Antinals with it? And finally you try it... birds begin to sing, mice come out and dance, unicorns fly through the air... all of them fried. Oh, what a wonderful experience it was.
You binged on Shrimpo every day; you finally found your one true fast food love and then, as quick and as swift as the KFC Shrimpo entered your life, it disappeared. It was discontinued. Why Shrimpo?! We felt so abandoned, Shrimpo! We know we were a bit clingy but you just tasted so good! We were--Wait, sorry, we mean you. You were the ones who cried yourselves to sleep every day for two years, hungry and lonely.
Well, all your sorrows are over Cairo, because KFC have just announced that the Shrimpo is back. Great news for fans of fried food everywhere; terrible news for shrimp everywhere.