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Misr El Kheir’s Economic Empowerment Programme Gives the Less Fortunate a Means to Live

Whether you're down on your luck, can't find a path or you're behind bars, Misr El Kheir is there to help.

Staff Writer

Misr El Kheir’s Economic Empowerment Programme Gives the Less Fortunate a Means to Live

Finding gainful employment in Egypt is steadily becoming a challenge for even the most qualified and/or privileged individuals. But for those without privilege, those living in remote areas of the country, and those living well below the poverty line, things tend to look bleak. And then you have folks who, for one reason or another, wound up behind bars, and can’t provide for whatever kin they have on the outside.

Misr El Kheir realises the struggle many a down-on-their-luck Egyptian must suffer, especially those in need of financial support. With their constantly-evolving Economic Empowerment Programme, folks far away, folks without a chance, and many of the country's incarcerated people are gaining valuable access to gainful crafts, allowing them to make ends meet for themselves and their families.

Their newest campaign is seeing to the financial needs of over 3,000 families in seven governorates, especially those living well below the poverty line. By providing something as simple as a loom, families and individuals can churn out their own handmade goods for profit, enabling them to gain much-needed income. The quality of the loom is quintessential, and with Misr El Kheir's backing as well as yours, and for EGP 7,000 a piece, a loom can continue to serve those in need for well over 30 years.

  Misr El Kheir

Through workshops and seminars teaching more and more women both inside and outside of prison how to craft carpets, shawls, sheets, covers, embroidery and much more, Misr El Kheir is giving back hope to those in dire straits.

The campaign currently covers North and South Sinai, Minya, Alexandria, Sohag, Qenna, Giza and Matrouh. Families of martyrs as well as displaced individuals are also part of their scope.

Misr El Kheir

Apart from providing looms and equipment to enable families to create their own handicrafts, Misr El Kheir continues to renovate and improve housing, establish weaving and handicraft workshops and factories, as well as keeping Egypt’s many historical and cultural crafts alive through its people.

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