Thursday September 12th, 2024
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Morsi Drives a Cab

Taking a leaf out of Jens Stoltenberg's book, we imagine what would happen if Morsi drives a cab...

Staff Writer

Morsi Drives a Cab

In a bid to garner more votes and a move that would be viewed by many as a PR stunt worth gold, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg took to the street one day as an undercover taxi driver. The aim of the PR stunt was for the PM to hear the Norwegian people's concerns and thoughts on the country and how Stoltenberg's ruling party (The Labour Party) can help in improving things. In our opinion this is quite honestly one of the greatest PR moves a politician can do to ensure votes from the public. The residents of a country need to know that the government they're electing to run their state are listening to them, and genuinely care about their opinions. By directly talking to the people the Norwegian Labour Party are actually getting their citizens involved in the decision making process.

However, the same cannot be said for Egypt. With governments and ministers changing faster than Britney Spears changes sexual partners, it's quite common for us Egyptians to go to sleep not knowing who's minister, only to wake up to find a completely different (yet equally incompetent) face. Ministers aside, our latest no-longer President hasn't been the best of role models either, inciting civil war and cutting off diplomatic ties as casually as one could. We wondered if Morsi were to be released out on the streets and perform the same aforementioned stunt, what kind of feedback would he receive from the people? For someone who has been spoon fed opinions that everyone loves and wants him back on a daily basis, how shocked would he be to find out what the masses actually think of him.

*It is a hot afternoon in the city of Cairo. A typical, hefty Egyptian woman in a colorful headscarf, a decorated Abbaya and a face you don't want to mess with hails a cab. It is the Morsi-Mobile*

Morsi: Eih a5bar el balad ma3aky ya madam?

Woman: Bala balad bala araf! Howa ana 3arfa a3mel 7aga? La 3arfa atbo5 wala a3'sel wel kahraba bete2ta3 kol shewaya! W ba3dein mesh 3arfa ageeb bidza aw reyash l 3eyaly! Boody 3ayez reyash. E7na monhareen!!

Morsi: Enty shayfa en Morsi sala7 7aga fel balad?

Woman: Morsi? Da ragel ebn metnaka!!

We would imagine the conversation would get more graphic and violent should the woman find out her cab driver is indeed "ebn el metnaka" Morsi. The Egyptian people are known to be quite vocal, and given the chance to express their opinion would be blunt and honest. If only Morsi would have taken a leaf out of Stoltenberg's book before June 30th, perhaps the crisis we are currently dealing with might have been avoided.
