Theater of Dreams to Close Sahel Season at Tijuana
This Friday marks the return of every party animal's favourite local festival series, Theater of Dreams, organised by Mahmoud Zidane, at Tijuana Beach and Lounge.

Now over the course of Sahel season we've become quite the experts at non-stop partying so it's pretty nifty that we can close the season with Theater of Dreams, who in the past, have thrown many an epic continuous House music shindig by the beach. It's almost like a little end of season exam. If we get through every DJ, dancing away, without passing out, then we get an A+. We can call Mama and she will be so proud. And if we don't make it through the whole day, then keda, keda lazem kalem Mama to save us.

You can find out more on Facebook here or follow them on Instagram @theater_o_d.