Monday March 17th, 2025
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15 Ridiculous Things People Have Hollered at Me on the Streets of Egypt

'Cause I ain't no hollaback girl.

Staff Writer

15 Ridiculous Things People Have Hollered at Me on the Streets of Egypt

You know what I'd appreciate? If guys would get creative when they holla at a girl down the street. When did we go from things like 'girl, the back'a yo' head is ridiculous' to 'el gao 7ar wala eh'? No, el gao msh 7ar - el dnya bteshti wenta bas msh wakhed balak.

I digress.

Now I'm not getting on my little soapbox or anything, but let's get a little more creative, boys! You know, aside from the 'astaghfarallah's and the 'Allahoma enni sayem's I've heard as I sauntered the streets this Ramadan - once from a female, surprisingly – something's gotta give. But, you know what? Kudos to these guys below, though; they managed to get a little more creative. 

(You whore/prostitute/harlot/adultress)
(You and your mama...)

(Your arms are gonna catch a cold, girl)

(Nice breasts)

(Looks like I'm going to break my fast over you)

(7aram, we're in Ramadan)

(Is it hot out or what?)

(Are you wearing underwear?)

(You should walk around naked, instead)

(Girl, you're going to hell)

(Do you not have a man to keep you in line?)

(Why can't we have something like that to pass the time with?)

(Are we not gonna see some of those boobs?)

(You need someone to play with your boobs)

Yeah, gone are the days when people would holler 'eh ya mozza' – that's not how it is anymore, but everyone's just too disturbed to tell you what they actually hear while walking down the street.

<./reality check>.

Holla atcha girl.


Date: 17/3/2025 Allam
Place: El Sawy Culturewheel
Date: 18/3/2025 Allam
Place: Boom Room
Date: 18/3/2025 Allam
Place: Arkan Plaza
Date: 18/3/2025 Allam
Place: Darb 15 Bait Arafa
Date: 19/3/2025 Allam
Place: Underground Social
Date: 19/3/2025 Allam
Place: Cairo Opera House
Date: 20/3/2025 Allam
Place: Majarrah
Date: 20/3/2025 Allam
Place: El Gomhouria
