Bizzari Ramadan Collection: El Leyla El Kebeera Comes to Life in Silver
Designer Mona Bizzari revives the Leyla El Kebeera tradition and spirit through her fully functional puppet pendants this Ramadan. We speak to her to find out more about this unique new collection...

Founder of Bizzari, Jewellery designer Mona Bizzari stays true to her tradition of launching a new collection every Ramadan. As Bizzari delved deeper into the industry she grew from creating pieces that were beautiful to creating pieces that are both stunning and meaningful. “I have moved from just designing based on colours and lines into having a cultural or conceptual idea behind every piece,” she tells us. This rings true in her new collection called El Leyla El Kebeera, inspired the legendary Egyptian puppet operetta and Bizzari manages to bring the dolls to life in her intricate pieces. “Not only are they beautiful but they also function the same way as the real marionettes; if you use the silver stick where the marionettes are attached they will perform exactly like the real puppetts, completely dynamic,” continues Bizzari.
Bizzari explains that when such pieces are worn, you’re not only wearing something that is beautiful but also history and art; “ladies experience the traditional Egyptian folklore every time they put them on," she says proudly, not to mention each item is quite the conversation starter.
This is the first time El Leyla El Kebeera is incorporated into fashion. “El Leyla El Kebeera is related to ‘el moled’ which relates to Ramadan nights and is very traditional. In addition to making Egyptian folklore my Ramadan collection, these characters have never been created in silver,” adds Bizzari.
Most importantly, Bizzari made sure she got permission to reincarnate El Leyla El Kebeera in this way, going to Chief Designer, Nagi Shaker, first. “Dr. Shaker was very happy with them. I couldn't go on without his opinion because he is the only one who really knows the key characteristics of the puppets; he knows the differences, for example, between the the lion in El Leyla El Kebeera and any other lion. He knows the dolls best. He was happy I took his permission to create this special edition collection and told me I was the first to ask for it. He granted me his approval to create them, and even suggested an additional character to the four ones I had already created. He is a very sweet person and an outstanding creative artist," explains Bizzari obviously relieved that the iconic artist is impressed with her collection.
Check out Bizzari’s Facebook page here.