Sunday May 5th, 2024
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NDP HQ Set for Revamp?

A new online petition has emerged asking interim Prime Minister Hazem El Biblawi to tear down the defunct, burnt ex-National Democratic Party building and give the land to the Egyptian Museum.

Staff Writer

NDP HQ Set for Revamp?

Moving forward Egypt is starting to open its eyes and is coming to the realisation that the burnt National Democratic Building in Cairo, adjacent to the legendary Egyptian Museum, is increasingly a security risk as well as an eye sore, ruining the cityscape, as well as taking up precious Nile-front space. Luckily a petition being circulated and supported by representatives from the museum, urging interim Prime Minister Hazem El Biblawi to tear down the defunct building and give the land to the Cairo museum - home to many of Egypt's antiquities. In the wake of the weekend bombings that destroyed a large part of the Islamic Art museum, the Egyptian Musuem is hoping that by reclaiming the National Democratic Party's Building they could use the space as extension to the museum, or even as buffer zone to prevent damage should a similar bombing take place in the area.

We at CairoScene fully support protecting and expanding institutions showcasing our national treasures, as it seems very hard to picture tourists coming back to Egypt without ensuring their safe passage to our ancient antiquities. Currently the petition is only at around 350 supporters and at least 20,000 signatures are needed. If you feel like we do, then we highly suggest visiting the website and signing the petition
