Saturday February 8th, 2025
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Not a Xmas Concert

Adham Hafez takes over Vent this Sunday for a mish-mash of festive sounds and a fabulously theatrical take on the season.

Staff Writer

Not a Xmas Concert

If you thought that Christmas is all about dodgy sweaters, yuletide carols and kisses from your gran – frankly you’ve living in the 1950s. Meanwhile, back here in 2013, Adham Hafez plans to put some cool in your stocking this festive season as he takes his festive frolics to hipster hot spot Vent.

The show looks set to offer Cairenes something different to the usual Christmas fare with what he calls “an Electro-Burlesque” take on your usual Christmas and Cabaret music.

Hafez plans to take you on a musical journey where Santa will sing grunge and perform Opera  and Electronic versions of Jazzy numbers. He told Cairo Scene: “I haven't done something like this in Cairo for a number of years so it is really good to be able to do something different in front of an Egyptian audience, the event will be a full evening in the style of a traditional cabaret but with a flavour of cool.”

And the music maestro even has a few surprises planned for his audience. He added: “I will play a number of different alter egos during the set including a 1920s style character who will act as a Dickensian 'Ghost of Christmas past' element to the show. The performance will provide a mixture of tracks including a couple of christmas numbers alongside traditional cabaret songs by artists like Louis Armstrong.”

With a well-stocked bar, promises of mulled wine and a special Christmas menu on offer, the cool kids at Vent might say this is not a Christmas concert, but it certainly feels festive to us!

Adham Hafez plays at Vent's "This is Not a Xmas Concert" on Sunday 22nd January, from 8.30pm. For more information, check out their Facebook fan page here. 
