Thursday February 13th, 2025
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AUC Raising Funds For Blind Football

A brilliant fundraising event will test the skills of Cairo's amateur footballers as they attempt to create awareness and raise money for the country's blind athletes.

Staff Writer

AUC Raising Funds For Blind Football

The blind footballers of Egypt need your help, and looking to provide that help are the good people at Blind Football Egypt, which are organising a one of kind event that will be raising the funds to continue supporting the blind and their love for football at the AUC, in the first event of its kind in Egypt.

On Saturday November 8th, the Enactus AUC will be hosting a football knockout tournament, a blind football showcase match, as well as a number of fun activities with funds raised going to support the Blind Football Egypt Initiative.

To reach their goal the inspiring initiative is hoping to enlist 16 teams made of both AUCians and Non-AUCians. The entry fee for the tournament is set at LE 2000 per team, and each team is allowed to have up to 10 players.

Saturday will kick off at 10AM and will be a jam packed day of activities that will be as much fun to watch as it will to participate. Throughout the day, a series of challenges will give participants the chance to prove their zen-like skills and win prizes in a Blindfold Penalty Kick competition, Blindfolded Keepy-Ups, and Tombola to name a few.

Obviously the main event will be the football knockout tournament and the blind football showcase match. If you are interested in joining in on the fun or just supporting a good cause sign up booth for this noble event can be found across AUC campus until Thursday.

As it stands, Blind Football is still trying to gain a permanent position in the Paralympic Games, which is why there is a World Championship Showdown taking place in Tokyo, Japan on November 16th. 12 teams will be competing this year for the trophy including Morocco and Turkey. Hopefully, with the help of these fundraising events, we will soon see an Egyptian team competing on an international level giving hope to the blind and pride to all Egyptians. 

To learn more about this event visit their Facebook here. 