16 Iconic Egyptian Sayings Creatively Illustrated By Artist Ali Alaa
These old Egyptians sayings explained through Ali Alaa's illustrations got a round of applause from us and our tetas.

Explaining our favourite Egyptian sayings to the average Jo is not the easiest thing to do - because really, only the average Mo gets them - but 18-year-old artist Ali Alaa managed to do just that, through art. In sixteen incredible illustrations, done through pencil work, and few Photoshop edits, the young artist managed to finally put an end to all the question marks we gave our tetas when we were little kids. After all, how the fuck do you te2leb el 2edra 3la fommaha, tetla3 el bent l'ommaha? In Alaa's mind, it looks a little something like this:

“I’ve always had a passion for art, but I felt like my talent could go a lot further than rookie doodles,” Alaa says, and goes on to explain that he studies mass communication in hopes of getting into the advertisement business to pursue his art. "I officially started my artistic journey two years ago – I would read books online and follow art galleries over the country to explore how experienced artists pinpoint their vision, and that's where I found the approach of 'Egyptianising' my art to make it relatable and extremely creative," he tells us.
And what's more Egyptian than sayings we've heard our entire lives, and have come to use on a daily basis? What's even better are illustrations that show us how the Egyptian imagination is a weird, weird place.
"Ma3andaksh ree7et el damm"

"El 7ettan Leeha Weddan"

"Bagry 3ala 3eyaly ya Beeh"

A book with Ali's artwork is expected to be out soon. Meanwhile, check his Facebook page here and stalk him if you're too poor to buy real life books.
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Mar 18, 2025