Thursday October 10th, 2024
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New Graduation Requirement Has University of Zagazig Students Tackle Illiteracy

Every students needs to tutor 8 local cases.

Staff Writer

New Graduation Requirement Has University of Zagazig Students Tackle Illiteracy

All students enrolled in the University of Zagazig from the academic year 2016-2017 must complete a new graduation requirement, Othman Shaalan, President of the University of Zagazig, announced today. The requirement entrusts the prospective graduates with the successful education of eight illiterate locals.

The cases that the students are responsible for educating range from ages 16 to 55. They have never received any training in reading or writing, and will be assessed beforehand to ensure they are illiterate and prevent any possibility of cheating on the part of the prospective University of Zagazig graduate.

Zagazig is the picturesque capital of the Sharqeya Governorate, located at the Nile Delta in the north of Egypt. The city is known for being the thriving hub of the country's corn and cotton trade.

If you think more universities should adopt this initiative, let us know in the comments below.
