Saturday September 14th, 2024
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10 Ways to Tell You Aren't a DJ

We've put together some easy to recognise symptoms of NOT being a DJ so you can easily identify if you or any of your loved have come down with the DJing disease.

Staff Writer

10 Ways to Tell You Aren't a DJ

Look to the left of you. Now look to your right. Who is sitting there? Is it a friend? A colleague? Your pet cat? Your mother? Pretty standard, so why give these people a second thought? But maybe there's something you are overlooking; they may all have a deep dark secret, an ulterior existance. Maybe you do too? Look in the mirror... look closely, are you in fact a DJ too? We've put together some easy to recognise symptoms of not being a DJ so you can easily identify if you or any of your loved have come down with the DJing disease.

1 - Every year you don't get overly emotional when DJ Mag's Top 100 poll is released; furiously ranting about it being a popularity contest seems futile.

2 - When you go to a party you generally covort, dance and have fun. You will not find yourself standing, staring and analysing the DJ playing's every move, commenting on the mix.

3 - People do not roll there eyes when you mention your profession.

5 - You actually have a profession.

5 - You like music with words in it.


6 - You never describe yourself as "making a name for yourself," you've always had a name and it's probably Mohamed.

7 - When you go out, people don't clap behind you for pressing buttons.

8 - You're perfectly happy smiling for a photo

9 - You can beatmatch. Anyone can beatmatch.

10 - If someone asks you to pass the pen, you pass the pen, if someone asks you to close the door, you close the door - generally speaking, you take requests.
