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Get Nostalgic With Nescafé And Connect With Old Facebook Friends Over Coffee

Who's the first person you ever tagged on Facebook? Nescafé's latest campaign, Shof So7abak Fein, challenges people to reconnect with the first person they tagged on the social media site over a cup of coffee.

Staff Writer

Get Nostalgic With Nescafé And Connect With Old Facebook Friends Over Coffee
Our relationship with Facebook is nothing short of 'it's complicated'. We bend over backwards to avoid the endless influx of Farmville invites - yes, even in 2015 - even if that means missing out on a few 'happy birthday!' posts along the way. At the same time, like a moth to a social media flame, we find ourselves spending hours discovering what some girl from elementary school did last Thursday night while simultaneously questioning how we opt to spend our time. Regardless of our own issues with the time-sucking platform, its only saving grace is that Facebook is actually amazing for reconnecting with people we haven't come across in years. No, we don't mean virtually stalking them, but actually touching base by sending them a message. Now this normally ends in one of three ways: 1) we remember why we had stopped connecting with this person in the first place, 2) we chat a bit over Facebook messenger and the conversation dies out, or 3) someone says "we should grab coffee sometime!" The latter is an immediate indicator that this hangout is never actually going to happen - we're so guilty of doing this. Nescafé's newest campaign, Shof So7abak Fein, has a challenge for kalamangeya like ourselves.
Life takes us in the most ridiculous of places, doesn't it? Time flies and suddenly, if you're anything like some of our spontaneous writers, you find yourself switching schools and changing majors countless times only to find yourself relocating back to Egypt for work. Yeah, our team is pretty eclectic, but the folks over at Nescafé seem to understand how easy it is for life to happen and make us fall out of touch with people we were once very close with. Their solution? A challenge! In their most recent campaign, Shof So7abak Fein, Nescafé is extending a challenging invitation to Facebookers to touch base with the first person they ever tagged in a photo on social media network, grab two sachets of Nescafé, and catch up over that cup of coffee they've been talking about having for years.
Through the endearing videos for their latest campaign, Nescafé takes us on coffee dates with screen siren Amina Khalil, funnyman Shady Alfons, photography genius Aisha Al-Shabrawy, stand-up comedy wizard Alaa El-Sheikh, the highly hilarious Amr Rady, and the first people these guys ever tagged in a Facebook photo. Now given that Alaa El-Sheikh is known for being hilarious, we definitely knew what to expect when he got together - on record - with the first person he'd ever tagged on Facebook. Needless to say, he won us over with how hilarious yet heartwarming his video was. Amina Khalil's reconnection with Omar Magdy clearly didn't involve any acting - genuine and sincere, we could tell these two were the best of childhood friends.

"أول تاج" مع نسكافيه - First Tag with NESCAFE

أصحاب زمان ميتعوّضوش...استنّونا علشان تعرفوا أكتر #ابتديها

Posted by NESCAFÉ on Saturday, December 12, 2015

With a teaser and two videos already released, Nescafé's Shof So7abak Fein has us curious what it'll be like for Aisha Al-Shabrawy, Shady Alfons, and Amr Rady to reconnect over two cups of Nescafé with the first people they ever tagged in a Facebook photo. Beyond that, the campaign seems to be working mighty well since we're sitting here racking our memories trying to recall who that first person could have been and where they might be now. There's something about nostalgia coming to life that really gets us right in the feels.

Nescafé really knows what we're all about over at CairoScene - yeah, we love to instigate stuff and get in your face and cause a ruckus, but we're also all about connecting and reconnecting with people. Hermit-ish as some of us may be, it's always good to get in touch with someone after a long hiatus - unless, of course, they're only talking to you so they can get the dirt on your recently dismantled relationship or need someone to edit their paper; in those cases, you have our permission to slap them.

Life takes us in strange directions that are only best understood when we look back at where we came from and how things used to be. Nescafé is challenging all of us to grab a sachet or two of our favourite coffee - whether you like it bold, black, or somewhere in between - and reconnect with the past. You never know what you'll discover when you take a walk down memory lane - hopefully you don't end up remembering why you two have stopped connecting to begin with. Go have a cup of coffee and a good laugh with an old friend - you can thank Nescafé later.

To keep up with these awesome videos, check out Nescafé on Facebook.
