This Group is Fighting for Egyptian Women’s Right to Work From Home
The campaign calls for embracing the reality of technological capabilities and social standards, working with the tide instead of swimming against it.

The ‘Sayedat Misr’ (Ladies of Egypt) initiative has launched a campaign to promote remote work and flexible hours for women across the country.
Women are pillars to any society and a lot of families in Egypt have a female breadwinner instead of a male. However being a working woman, wife and mother is a demanding task. Particularly when dealing with outdated working hours that were developed for a patriarchal society, in which a husband is expected to work while the wife takes care of the home. What are you to do when you’re now expected to do both full-time?
The issue was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which many women lost their jobs - whether they did so by leaving of their own accord, or because they were seen as ‘expendable’ and were thus let go.
The goal of Ladies of Egypt's campaign is to promote respect and diligence to the Egyptian working woman. The campaign calls for embracing the reality of technological capabilities and social standards, working with the tide instead of swimming against it.
The team behind the campaign itself is spread across Egypt, since its members all work remotely. Many business owners have already joined in on the campaign, which aims to create an environment in which women can be caregivers and workers all at once.