Thursday November 14th, 2024
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Expats & Cats Fast Too

Expats are encouraged to experience fasting in Dubai. Apparently, so are cats...

Staff Writer

Expats & Cats Fast Too

This week, the Dubai Festival and Retail Establishment want everyone to get in on the fun and spiritual experience of fasting. The establishment has launched an initiative in which non-Muslims and expats are invited to fast on July 28th to get a comprehensive experience of Ramdan. According to senior manager Khadija Turki, it is an attempt at educating non-Muslim expats on how fasting is more than "not just eating." The aim of the project is to raise awareness about fasting and making expats more sensitive about eating in front of fasting Muslims as opposed to converting them to Islam.

Seeing how this is such an amazing initiative, even cats decided to join in on the fun! Restaurants in Dubai have all but banned cats from their premises, as they are at a risk of being fined by the Emirates Municipality if stray cats were to be found inside restaurants or on restaurant grounds. We'd like to see this move as an attempt to get cats to enjoy the spirituality of Ramadan, because why should expats have all the fun?  
