France Invents Word for Sexting
So we make up our own Arabic one...wait for it...genSMS!
Flirty French texters have found a new way to have fun with their fingers - textopornograhie. Not content with 'sexting,' the French decided to invent their own phrase for getting steamy with your SIM card after the saucy act became a popular trend in divorce cases.
Academie Francaise dictionary editor claims the wordsmiths, who regularly coin French terms for popular English phrases, were approached by the country's the Justice Ministry following a rise in recent months.
Here at CairoScene we thought about giving this new fangled 'textopornographie' a try - alas nobody was so interested. So instead we thought we'd come up with our own Arabic word for sexy phone texty - GenSMS. Helpfully, we've also included these sexy festive pics to get you in the mood. So get GenSMSing - it's about to become a thing...honest.
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