A Second Sphinx has Just Been Discovered in Luxor
He’s still a bit too shy to come out from under the sand though.

In a spot of mildly sandy news this fine Sunday afternoon, construction workers operating on the development of the Al-Kabbash Road project have stumbled upon a second sphinx statue buried deep beneath the sands between the temples of Karnak and Luxor.
According to officials on the scene, the statue seems to have a lion’s body and a human head. Construction in the area has been put on hold until the relevant authorities figure out what to do with the thing. According to director general of Luxor antiquities, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, the statue needs to stay where it is “due to the nature of the environment it is in.”
Tourists are apparently encouraged to take as many glimpses as they please at the buried monument, according to Minister of Antiquities Khaled el-Anani. It is theorised among the Egyptology society that several sphinx statues exist throughout the land, as a form of homage to great pharaohs of the past, with the sphinx statues of both King Amenhotep III and Thutmose IV being prime examples.
Unfortunately, no photographs of the new sphinx have surfaced as of yet, but keep your eyes peeled for any new finds, but not too much so that sand doesn’t get in there. Sand sucks.
Main image from Fine Art America.
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