Sunday May 5th, 2024
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New 'Companion' App Could Prove Highly Useful in Egypt

A new brilliant app that allows people to virtually watch over you when you feel unsafe on the streets might be prove to be very helpful to a lot of Egyptians.

Staff Writer

New 'Companion' App Could Prove Highly Useful in Egypt

A new app is taking the world by storm. The Companion app available on Android and iOS, allows a friend or family member of your choosing to virtually walk you home should you for any reason feel uneasy about your trip home late at night. The person watching over you does not need to have the app. Once you choose them as your virtual companion a message with a hyperlink to a map showing where you are and your route will be sent to them, alerting them if you fall, or suddenly start running. Once the app detects sudden movements, it asks you if you are OK; you then have 15 seconds to respond, or your phone will turn into a loud alarm system, giving you the option to call the police, and alerting your chosen companion to your situation.

Although this app started out in the US, collaborating with several university campuses, it is starting to be widely used around the world. The concept works anywhere. Of course in a country like Egypt, where girls taking cabs isn't always an ultra-safe option and walking or driving alone late at night always prompts worry, this app could be highly useful - though let's be honest, it's not like the police will rush to respond. But your friends or family will be able to remain plugged in with your journey, and be alerted immediately should anything happen. The app in general is very useful with its alarm system and people knowing where you are and if you’re in trouble they can do something to help.
