Mouled Goodies Revamped: Tortina Revives Sweet Childhood Memories
We thought we were too cool to admit how much we miss our family traditions, but tortina's 7alawet el Mouled got us admitting it!

Simsimiya, humusia, fouliya, and malban. These delicious-sounding names have our eyes tinkling, our mouths salivating, and our minds wandering to those sweet, sweet childhood memories of spending the day gorging on them all day long as we celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammed (SWT). As this year’s Mouled el Nabi nears on December 11th, Egypt will mark the date through great celebration with our very own sweet traditions. The best part about Egyptian customs, though, is that we are always adding to them and changing them up while keeping the core well and alive. During this year's season, tortina came out on top with their revamped and creative delectable sweets and goodies. All ready for us to devour, and give our kids unforgettable memories!

We know, we know - the term eye candy just got a whole other meaning. Did everyone peep that nutty one dipped chocolate that can take over a Reese's cup any day? Yum! As Christmas trees get colourful, and mosques and homes are adorned with bright lights, we can't help but believe that beauty is exalted in the morphing of the best of both worlds. So, tortina was definitely inspired when they whipped out their new heavenly mixed chocolate dipped croquants and the chocolate fudge pops filled with lukom (malban) and rolled in coconut. Seriously? Is it even possible?No worries, though - tortina still has our authentic sweets safe and sound, with wicked traditional tastes that smell just like grandma's cupboard where it was all stored. You can cater for your tastebuds' curiosity for the modern twists and their yearning for the good ol' classics with their VIP box. No sharesies. And, we know you've seen some of the prices this year - Laaawd help us all - but these guys are actually giving us convenience to continue our sweet tooth pleasures (no guilt, though).
But the one thing that we would all impatiently be looking forward to, with more excitement than anything, is walking into our homes or friends' places with a gorgeous, decked out package full of memories to remember and create, reviving our excitement for this time of the year, and letting us hold on tightly to every moment we have with our loved ones with every bite and crunch we take!
Now excuse us while we go celebrate.
Get your sweet fix through tortina's Facebook and Instagram.