Egypt's Mukhabarat Hires Two US Public Relations Firms
Egypt's is looking to improve its deteriorated image in the West and communicate the way it sees the world to Americans.

According to US media reports, Egypt's intelligence signed contracts with two US PR firms in order to lobby on Egypt's behalf in Washington D.C., and improve its image in the international arena. Information on the deal was made public yesterday in compliance with U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The contracts are going to cost Egypt $1.8 million annually, and will focus on clarifying Egypt's stance in a number of domestic and international issues such as highlighting its economic development, showcasing tourism, and promoting Egypt's “leading role in managing regional risks”, due to several past incidents that shed the light on Egypt's inability to, "communicate its narrative."
"They've been investing more in this line of effort and it appears to be expanding," says George Washington University Analyst, Mokhtar Awad, on Egypt's attempts to improve its deteriorating image with international powers, ABC News reports.