Saturday January 25th, 2025
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Minister of Education Announces Changes In School Day Schedule

Today, the Minister of Education issued an announcement that will radically alter school schedules across the country, extending time per class in order to try and benefit students' educations.

Staff Writer

Minister of Education Announces Changes In School Day Schedule

A beacon of hope for the derelict mess that is our education system in Egypt arises today as the Minister of Education Moheb Al-Refai announces changes in the school day program, by cutting short the time schedule from eight hours a day to a maximum of five hours a day of school, as well as extending classes to an hour and a half each, converting regular forty-five minute lessons into extended and valuable lectures where professors will have the capacity to engage with their students and ensure all information is fully comprehended before class is dismissed. A maximum of 3 subjects a day will be taught with an additional half hour left for PE and other activities.

Looking back at the education system in Egypt as it plummets in turmoil, particularly in public schools where the laws bend and break at random and according to the teachers and/or principles’ fancy, this is seemingly great news! And once implemented, with a less burdensome curriculum at hand, and less hours of frolicking about at school, the students are bound to receive a more concentrated dose of knowledge over an extensive period of time, and hopefully, with cooperation, experience and understanding, professors will implement their part of the deal by using the now hour and a half classes for the benefit of their students and not to simply cram as much information into one lecture as possible therefore sending us straight back to square one. Motivation is key, and space to learn is mandatory. We are certainly looking forward to seeing how this change pans out across the country.
