Thursday January 23rd, 2025
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Egyptian MP Wants Stray Dogs Exported to Countries That Consume Dog Meat

She's actually a member of the parliament's Human Rights Committee.

Staff Writer

Egyptian MP Wants Stray Dogs Exported to Countries That Consume Dog Meat

Egyptian MP Margaret Azar, member of the parliament's Human Rights Committee, suggested in a recent interview that Egypt should start fighting the phenomenon of stray dogs in the country by exporting them to countries which don't outlaw eating dog meat. "Like South Korea," she added. 

Elaborating on what she seems to actually think is a great idea, Azar added that stray dogs should be collected by authorities before they're placed in a desert camp, at which they'll be nurtured and fed for at least a week before being exported. 

"After being properly nurtured, a dog could be exported for like 5 pounds each," Azar said to Youm7. "In such countries, they'll be as valuable as sheep here."

MP Margaret Azar/ Sada El-Balad

She added that this phenomena - basically humans coexisting with animals - has become a serious issue that needs addressing, claiming that no other solutions have found consensus. "Animal rights groups seek to protect animal rights, so should human rights groups [...] Humans deserve to live in a clean, safe environment."

In case you're wondering, as many should at this point, how MP Azar ended up in the human rights committee, you should know that she added; "spaying animals isn't a solution because it's considered cruel towards animals." *slow clapping*
