Muslim Preacher Says Women Must Give Husbands 30% of Their Salary
Apparently women owe their husbands a third of their salary just for allowing them to go out there and work.

Muslim preacher Ashraf Al Fil, who hosts a program on Al Hayat 2 Television titled Fatawi, took the opportunity to answer an incoming question on air from a woman who complained about her husband taking her salary. She claims she has three children, and that her husband's income is quite high and stable. Al Fil told her that's absolutely wrong – wait for it – because he's only supposed to take 30 per cent. Watch the video below:According to Al Fil, the husband is not permitted to take the whole salary, only one third. He justifies his fatwa by stating that this is a return the husband should receive for allowing her to leave the house for some time and work. He asserts more than once that the husband cannot take all of her salary – and even gives her his personal opinion, which is basically just stay at home if you don't need the money – and that, according to Islamic law, the husband is supposed to be the one spending.