Thanaweya Amma Exams And Answers Leaked Online
Facebook page leaks Thanaweya Amma and Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate exams and answers, and releases a list of demands.

Less than 40 minutes into the high school final exam for the general secondary certificate, Thanaweya Amma, one student had already posted it on to his public Facebook page. This student's Facebook page, Faks Fash5, has been linked multiple exam leaks over the past four years. Why is different this time? The page included models of the answers and had people comment with answers. Not only was Thanaweya Amma posted, but the Al-Azhar Secondary Certificate exams were also posted with answers.
Shortly after the exams ended on Sunday, a Giza prosecutor had launched an investigation into the Facebook page administrator. According to the Egypt Independent, the 19-year-old who was supposedly running the page was arrested later that same day.
Although this arrest was supposedly of the administrator known as 'ShawMing' or 'Chao Ming', the page continues to post and re-publish photos or the exams. Facebook users also continue to submit answers to the exam questions. The page has over 400,000 likes yet the admin recently posted, "I will disappear when I reach my goal, to give teachers their rights and privileges, to cancel the current grading system for students to enrol in universities and to update the curriculum to a digital format, including the exams." The current system has teachers' salaries and benefits frequently depending on the results of their students. The grades from Thanaweya Amma exams also determine the university and job prospects for every student tested. This year, over 560,000 students are scheduled to be tested.
Posts continue to go up on the Facebook page, but this time it's a list of demands to prevent further leaking of exams. The primary demand is: "abolish the current system of admission to universities which depend only on the Thanaweya Amma grades and replacing it with 'abilities tests' in addition to developing curricula and focusing on the working conditions of teachers."
This leak has lead to the Ministry of Education announcing that the religious exams are cancelled. Shortly after that announcement, the entire Thanaweya Amma was leaked and has been trending on Twitter and Facebook in Egypt since. According to Daily News Egypt, the Ministry has announced the entire exam is now postponed until an alternative exam can be held on June 29th.
Here are some of the reactions from Twitter about the ordeal:
#ادعوا_دعوه_بعد_الفجر امتحانات #تانوية_عامة تتسرب بدرى و الامتحان لا يتغير ولا يتلغى D: #شاومنج #الله_الوطن_شاومينج
— Mostafa Hathout (@Mostafa_Hathout) June 7, 2016
ان شاء الله امتحان الانجليزى هينزل الساعه ٨.٣٠ 😂
— ELBOGHDADY ⚓ (@M7md_Sprinter) June 7, 2016
اللهم بلغت اللهم فشهد 😌✋#الله_الوطن_شاومينج 😍
أدمن شاومينج يضع شروط لوقف تسريب امتحانات الثانوية العامة#الله_الوطن_شاومينج #شومينج
— عسلَ اَّسوِدِღ˘ (@Hawa_Rhim) June 6, 2016
رمضان جاي وجايب معاه خيره..
— Joe (@elshal__) June 7, 2016
تسريب الامتحانات ف مصلحه الطالب والله ياجدعان..#الله_الوطن_شاومينج
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