Egypt's Solution to its Water Crisis Begins with these Expansions
Egyptian Authorities are going back to the playbook to solve the problem of the century: where do we get more drinking water?

Remember when we were kids and we weren't allowed to drink sea water because it was bad for us? Well, in the coming years Egyptians will be drinking a lot more of it, but not to worry as it won't be salty any more. Mamdouh Raslan, the Chairman of the Holding Company for Water & Wastewater stated that the government is expanding water desalination plants, and will also address villages' sewage problems.
As you're surely aware, Egypt is facing a water scarcity dilemma. Currently requiring 90 billion Cubic liters annually to cover all of its citizens needs, we only have 60 billion cubic liters (just a little short). This amount is set to decrease as soon as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is completed and could have a disastrous effect on Egypt's water security. That is why Egyptian authorities are rushing to expand existing desalination plants as well as open several more including the largest in the world at Ain Sokhna, which will purify 164,000 cubic liters per day.
According to the Minister of Housing 19 desalination plants were started in 2017 and 6 will be in service by the end of 2018. When these desalination plants are active, Egypt will be purifying enough salt water into drinking water that it will be able to provide for its growing population as well as allow more Nile water to be used for farming and irrigation as opposed to drinking water.
Main image by Green Prophet.