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Cairo to Instate Ministerial Committee to Legalise Churches Built Without Permits

Egypt's Prime Minister Sherif Ismail has ordered that a ministerial committee be formed to legalise the status of churches built without licenses in accordance with the 2016 church construction law.

Staff Writer

Cairo to Instate Ministerial Committee to Legalise Churches Built Without Permits

On Monday, Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail issued a decree to instate a ministerial committee to legalise churches built without permits, according to Al Ahram Online.

The process should be done in accordance with the newly enacted 2016 church construction bill, which was voted on by parliament then ratified by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi last September.   

On the committee will be ministers of defence, housing, urban development, justice, antiquities, and parliamentary and legal affairs, as well as members of the government’s intelligence and security agencies, and Christian religious leaders.

The committee will be in charge of reviewing applications from churches already built without licenses – due to the bureaucratic process previously put in place to obtain such papers, and legalise their status in conformity with the 2016 law.  

Photo by @MO4Network's #MO4Productions. 

Date: 18/3/2025 Allam
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Place: Arkan Plaza
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Place: Cairo Opera House
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Place: Majarrah
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