Egyptians React to Mo Salah’s Infuriatingly Sleazy Injury
A star rose to an opportunity, giving millions the world over hope of a new dawn for football. Hope looks dim now, and rage seems limitless.

We’re going to come a bit cleaner than usual and publicly announce something; none of us are actual football fans. Hardly any of us know the moves, the lingo or the history behind it, but we do know our fair share of names (tricks of the trade), and recently, we’ve developed something that we didn’t think powerful enough; we genuinely love Mohamed Salah. Not because he’s the best there is right now in the biz, not because of his looks, not because of anything that merits as unreal a following as he commands, but because he’s just a guy, a regular guy, with legs of platinum, and a heart of gold.
So to see him succumb to what we can only describe as the most unjust, disgustingly poor show of sportsmanship in recent times, only three weeks before Egypt’s premier match in the World Cup, was as much an immense heartbreak to Salah fans the world over as it was to the Egyptian King himself. Though we cannot even begin to imagine what’s going on in our boy’s head, what we can do is show support to the superstar, and highlight the seething fury towards the increasingly revolting actions of Real Madrid thug, Sergio Ramos.
Egypt’s Celebrities Say their Piece
Much like the rest of us, Egypt’s bigger names have expressed their unbridled anger at the disheartening event in a variety of ways on the intertubes, starting with billionaire supreme and occasional odd t-shirt wearer, Naguib Sawiris.
و حياةً ... يا سرجيو يا رامس لهناخد حقنا منك ....😡
— Naguib Sawiris (@NaguibSawiris) May 26, 2018
Aptly put, fam.
Even the most cheerful folks among us couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the act, like Egypt’s resident king of comedy, Mohamed Henedy
لما تكون خطة نادي بيقول على نفسه افضل نادي في العالم اصابة نجم الفريق المنافس .. يبقى اخره نقول عليه غرزة بلطجية #كلنا_ليفربول #كلنا_صلاح
— Mohamed Henedy (@OfficialHenedy) May 26, 2018
ربنا لايكسبك ولا يربحك يا راموس
— Mohamed Henedy (@OfficialHenedy) May 26, 2018
"May you burn only to see the firemen rescuing you find no water, so you run around like a mad man only to be hit by a tour bus and throw yourself in the sea, only to be hit by a luxury steamer...Only to be taken to a hospital with a gas leak so it explodes, with everybody making it to safety except you."
Farida Osman had a thing or two to say as well
My heart goes to you @MoSalah 😭 you make us all Egyptians proud every single day 🇪🇬 #كلنا_معاك #UCLFinal2018
— Farida Osman (@FaridaOsman) May 26, 2018
Ayten Amer certainly had a bit of business to poke at
هى دي اخلاق برضه بتاعت لاعيبه محترفين صلاح اتضرب عن عمد ده لازم بتعمله محضر مش ياخد انذار وازاي ممكن يقبلوا انهم يكسبوا ماتش بالطريقه القذره دي
— Amr adib (@Amradib) May 26, 2018
Fathy Abdel Wahab put it quite well.
Amir Karara is a lot more tame than what we're used to seeing him do, but a good show nonetheless.
الف سلامه عليك وترجع احسن من الاول يابطل 💪💪@MoSalah
— Amir Karara (@AmirKarara) May 26, 2018
Menna Shalaby showing us that exemplary good faith of hers.
ألف سلامة عليك وإن شاء الله إصابة خفيفة وترجع أحسن من الأول كمان.. مصر كلها بتدعيلك ياللي بنتعلم منك الإرادة والعزيمة والأمل @MoSalah
— Menna Shalaby (@Menna_Shalaby) May 26, 2018
Ahmed El Saka keeps it straightforward.
الله يحرقك ياراموس يارب
— Ahmed Elsaka (@ElSaka) May 26, 2018
قولو يارب 🙏
— Ahmed Elsaka (@ElSaka) May 26, 2018
Mido gives us an insight into what may or may not have been the case.
من يفهم في كرة القدم يعلم ان راموس تعمد إصابة صلاح!!
— Mido (@midoahm) May 26, 2018
Egypt's Masses Rage On
It isn't just stars waving pitchforks and torches around, the mild-mannered folks of Egypt also have a thing or two to get off their chests. Whether it's slightly not safe for work or a humorous situational take via memes, you can still pretty much feel the anger and pure disbelief that these people are going through.
Some were elegant.
عايزينك أسد يا أبو صلاح
— British Amb in Egypt (@FCOJohnCasson) May 26, 2018
🏆🙏🏼 #UCLfinal#كلنا_ليفربول
Others were a bit more colourful.
"May you fall in an open manhole and not find a single rate to save you."
Some used emotional blackmail.
The contrast is quite enlightening.
Mohamed Elsayed: [REDACTED]
Some took a higher path.
It wasn't just Egypt either.
Once upon a time a man fall on his shoulder and more 100 millions felt the pain 😑😭#mo_salah #UCLFinal #ليفربول_ريال_مدريد #محمد_صلاح
— Palestine (@ALQadiPAL) May 26, 2018
هنا تحديدا انتهت كل
— فارس عوض (@farisf9) May 26, 2018
فرص الفوز باللقب .. أصيب
الكتف الذي كان يحملهم طوال
الموسم حتى الوصول الى
النهائي .. هاردلك من الأعماق
لكل عشاق هذا الكيان العريق
والف سلامة لفخر العرب الملك المصري #محمد_صلاح 💔#ليفربول
There's even a petition to give Ramos his just dues.
There might still be hope for a happier ending though.
تحديث | أفاد الدكتور محمد أبو العلا طبيب المنتخب أن الجهاز الطبي بنادي ليفربول قد ابلغوه بعد إجراء الآشعة على كتف صلاح وأفادت نتيجتها بأن اللاعب أصيب بجزع في أربطة مفصل الكتف وأضاف انه وفقا لهذا التشخيص عن تفاؤله بأن يلحق صلاح بالمنتخب الوطني في كأس العالم 🇪🇬💪🏽@MoSalah
— Egypt National Football Team (@Pharaohs) May 26, 2018
Regardless of everything, anything at all, they now what matters most.
no matter what happens, we love you ♥️#محمد_صلاح
— Bilal Ali (@Bilal_Ali00) May 27, 2018
Get well soon, champ, we love you no matter what the hell happens.