Saturday October 12th, 2024
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Meet the People behind the Egyptian Animal Rights Organisation That Has Captured Tara Emad’s Heart

The Animal Protection Foundation (APF) conducts rescue operations, while constantly working to raise awareness about cruelty against stray dogs.

Staff Writer

Meet the People behind the Egyptian Animal Rights Organisation That Has Captured Tara Emad’s Heart

No one loves dogs quite as much as the Animal Protection Foundation (APF), who have made it their mission since 2014 to advance our man's best friends’ welfare in Egypt. “I’m in love with animals and I want to help and I feel that APF is the right place to make a difference,” APF volunteer Merihan Moaz tells CairoScene.

APF engages in a range of ways to help dogs, like going on rescue missions, sheltering, and finding homes for the canines they save. They mostly work with dogs that have been physically abused, have disabilities, house pets that have been abandoned, and dogs with rabies.The foundation currently houses about 500 dogs that they take care of as they fight for the advancement of stronger animal welfare laws, as well as the enforcement of already existing ones. They also work with other animal welfare organisations to that end.

A big part of their work is trying to raise awareness against dog abuse, which they do at schools, because they see children as future animal welfare champions who will be role models for better treatment of our furry friends.

“A big reason I joined is because I wanted to take action, not just sit at home and pity the dogs, but actually do something,” Moaz says.APF strongly denounces the poisoning of dogs in Egypt, which they say is getting worse. “The fact that they poison dogs hurts us very, very much. Sometimes pets eat or smell the poison and die and it’s so dangerous,” Moaz explains.

They aim to promote and spread TNR (trap, neuter/spay, release) methods in order to limit the population of stray dogs, to avoid them growing up only to be poisoned or abused.

They also try to create watch groups in neighbourhoods to help further raise awareness of their cause and to discourage cruelty against stray dogs.

APF is a non-profit that fully relies on donations. Head over to their Facebook or their website and show them some love.
